Economic, Political, and Technological Drivers of the Rising Costs of Gold
Gold prices have risen substantially in recent years and it is quite drastic compared to typical price swings. This article uncovers the reasons for the global price increase, giving a glimpse into the past, present, and future of gold.

How Do You Add Mica Powder To Soap?
Creating your own soap allows you to customize scents, colors, and shapes. One way to elevate soap is incorporating shimmering mica powder, also known as luster dust. In this guide, we'll take you through the steps of adding luster dust to your soap for a touch of festive sparkle.

What is edible luster dust made of?
All luster dust serves the same basic purpose—to add shimmer—but not all luster dust is edible. It's important to ensure you are getting a food-safe pearlescent if it will be ingested. This article notes acceptable ingredients and shares the FDAs advisement on safety.

History of Edible Gold
These days, it seems that chefs will go to any length to shock or astound their audience and the way the cuisine looks is nearly as important how it tastes, so it's no wonder they are reaching for edible gold. The history of edible gold goes back much further, though.

Can Platinum Be Eaten?
If you are new to decorating desserts, you might be wondering if all of the various metals being used to amplify the “wow factor” of culinary treasures are really safe for consumption—platinum included. This article will answer all your questions about whether or not you should ingest platinum.

Parsnip Tres Leches Cake with Clove and Nutmeg Buttercream
Tres Leches Cake with Parsnip and Buttercream is a soft sponge cake that is infused with a mixture of 3 types of milk (“tres leches”), which is absorbed into the cake overnight. This recipe includes cloves, vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon, and edible gold, for a fragrant, beautiful, and delicious dessert!