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Vanilla Bean Seeds

Bourbon and Tahitian Vanilla Bean Seeds

Vanilla Bean Seeds from Ecuador and Madagascar

Premium quality vanilla bean seeds—also known as vanilla caviar—contain all the incredible flavor and fragrance of vanilla without the hassle of scraping. 

These seeds come from some of the finest vanilla beans grown in Ecuador and Madagascar and are of the Tahitian and Bourbon variety, respectively. 


What are Vanilla Beans Seeds?

Individuals produce Vanilla Seed by scraping cured inner vanilla pods with a spoon to remove the little black seeds of the vanilla bean.  On average it takes four to six pounds of vanilla beans to produce one pound of vanilla caviar, hence the much higher price than whole vanilla beans.

At Slofoodgroup our goal is to provide the world's best vanilla beans and spices and we think you will absolutely love this product.  Vanilla caviar is easy to keep for extended storage and does not require any special knowledge in handling. Simply scoop the number of vanilla bean seeds you wish to use in your recipe and enjoy the delectable flavors of real vanilla.


Looking for Whole Vanilla Beans?

Try one of our many varieties of gourmet vanilla beans and extract grade vanilla beans options and whole ground vanilla bean powder.